Thursday, 14 February 2013

You're My Fuckin' Valentine!

Aachan wonders what day is it today.
Alas! The day has come. Happy Valentines day, everyone. And for this day, I chose BUCK- TICK's "My Fuckin' Valentine" as song of the day. Though others might disagree and prefer ROMANCE as the song of the day. 

NOTE: Pardon my FRENCH in this my rock persona takes in place.

Don't get fooled. It is no sappy love song or ballad.

Why? Because, I'm celebrating Single Awareness day. lol

As a single woman in this day and age, there are some who are not quite happy to be single (I am happy though XD). If you don't have another half, you are single and you are celebrating with me. lol But what's more disturbing? Some people are  madly addicted in love with technology (consider it as their other half). Single or not, you could still be addicted to it. These people may have their dear stashes gadgets as their  fuckin' Valentine for today.

Nowadays, people tend to rely more on technology. And truly, we do experience a lot of conveniences from it...and also a lot of inconveniences. So as a reflection of this, I chose this song which was composed and written by our dearest Imai Hisashi whose lyrics might be vulgar and direct, but contains some truth. (note: "My Fuckin' Valentine" line refers to humanity's relationship to today's technology).

Oh, BT's cyber-punk years. Enjoy Imai's magical theremin playing as he ditches his guitar and work on vocals in this song to chant:

"Believe it, Future. (Rise Above Yourself!)"

Check out the video above, to know what I mean. Yes, reflect on it. *insert evil laugh*

But, if you want a more updated badass version of it (but w/o subs), please refer HERE for their DIQ 2011 version. :D

Enjoy your Valentines Day, everyone~ !!!
Aachan asks if you could be his Valentine.
-video footage was taken from SWEET STRANGE LIVE back in 1998.
-credits to marysue-complex for the GIFs. You're the best.